Course curriculum

    1. Handling Feedback is a Skill.

    2. Initial Reflection Exercise

    1. Soliciting Feedback

    2. Exercises and Discussion: Soliciting Feedback

    3. Receiving Feedback

    4. Exercises and Discussion: Finding Processing Buddies

    5. What if it's not useful feedback?

    6. Exercise and Discussion: Returning to Those Initial Reflections

    1. Operationalizing Feedback

    2. Exercises and Discussion: Operationalizing Feedback

    3. Feedback Action Plans

    4. Exercise and Discussion: Feedback Action Plans

    1. The Tricky Thing About Feedback

    2. Exercise and Discussion: Feedback Reflection

    3. Creating Safe Opportunities to Give Feedback

    4. Exercise and Discussion: Asking for Self-Assessments

    5. Framing Feedback

    6. Exercise and Discussion: Framing Feedback

    1. What We've Learned, and Team Discussion Questions

About this course

  • $219.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • This is arguably one of the most important skills at work, and increases in importance with the leverage of your position. Any software worker is already in a high leverage position. A manager, even higher, and so on up to CTO. Have you noticed that, with each promotion, the amount of feedback you get decreases? There is a reason for that. We go over how to fix it—and much, much more—in this course.

Discover your potential, starting today